Messier 47 / Open Cluster        Puppis / Achterschiff
Messier 47 (M47 or NGC 2422) is an open cluster in the mildly southern constellation of Puppis. It was discovered by Giovanni Batista Hodierna before 1654 and in his then keynote work re-discovered by Charles Messier on 1771. It was also independently discovered by Caroline Herschel.

M47 is centered about 1,600 light-years away and is about 78 million years old. The member stars have been measured down to about red dwarfs at apparent magnitude 19. There are around 500 members,[1] the brightest being HD 60855, a magnitude 5.7 Be star. The cluster is dominated by hot class B main sequence and giant stars, but a noticeable colour contrast comes from its brightest red giants.

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IAS - Internationale Amateuersternwarte e.V. - Hakos Observatory, Namibia

10Micron GM3000 HPS Links  WEBDA
Telescope IAS 10" Newton f/4.5 Award/published Astrobin
Camera QHY268M65
Filter Chroma LRGB
Exposure L/R/G/B each 35 x 60s
2h 20min

March 2024
IAS Hakos Remote Observatory, Namibia